
Monday, September 8, 2014


This morning as I was completing my first session with my coach feeling beat and thinking to myself I worked hard he says, "That is going to be your daily warm-up". I looked at him and smiled because whatever he brings I am ready although inside I was having an “aha moment” actually it was an “Oh S#@!” what did I get myself into moment. It is funny because as a runner I run...I am not too concern with the other stuff but when he broke it all down for me today; it really demonstrated how linear I can be at times. I can get so focused on a task I miss everything that is going on around me, I hope to not have that happen to me as I train for the Marathon des Sables 2015, my goal is to enjoy it all. I use to think if I can maintain a 9 minute mile pace for a race I am on track but what about my core, my overall fitness level and my ability to push my body to its max? All these things need to be considered as I live my life. Well since I am talking about being well rounded I must add as of September 1, 2014 I am vegan, I want to train for this race on a completely plant based diet. A lot of firsts and new things for me as I prepare for another year on earth did I tell you all my birthday is in 11 days?  Well I guess I am beginning yet another phase in this journey I call life but I can truly say I am grateful for the opportunity and will give it everything I got. I am getting the opportunity to develop something I have enjoyed all my life, talk about taking it to a new level. I am so excited on this journey. Today I am grateful for life, the ability to run, good food, amazing family and friends and freedom to be. Life definitely rocks!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. blessings cous.....
    you are amazing.
    Let something for you at my blog.
    Please pass by pick up and follow through.
    stay blessed.
