
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Yesterday marked the first day of my journey to run 42 races by December 18, 2015.  My brother died 30 days ago yesterday and I wanted to do something in his honor so I started with Camp Kesem's 5K.  Camp Kesem is an organization that does Summer Camps for the children of cancer patients, when I came across it online I was captivated by how much these college students do to help kids in need and wanted to help.  Why Camp Kesem? I was searching for ways to help my nephew cope with loosing his father as well as help him keep the memory of his dad alive so yesterday my niece Tennille, two other friends Danielle and Michelle and I did our first race.   Great organization please check them out .  Just getting up will chat more later.

Also I know I have not entered anything about my training but I will not be doing MdS 2015 due to injury so taking it slowly as I recover and heal.

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